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Fai valere i tuoi diritti di freelance! Sostieni Acta e assicurati un futuro lavorativo migliore grazie a vantaggi, convenzioni e maggiori tutele.

Un messaggio importante da Sara Horowitz

22 Dicembre 2017 Dal mondo

Con un comunicato che potete leggere integralmente qui sotto o a questo link, Sara Horowitz, fondatrice e direttrice esecutiva della Freelancers Union degli Stati Uniti, annuncia di passare ad altro incarico a partire dal prossimo gennaio. Le succede Caitlin Pearce, che da alcuni anni fa parte del Board. L’associazione che Sara ha fondato alla metà degli anni 90 – e con la quale ACTA è gemellata – oggi conta 350 mila soci e dispone anche di un’Insurance Company che offre una copertura mutualistica ai lavoratori indipendenti. Sara ha insegnato a tutti noi un modo di fare networking e di fare comunicazione con il quale siamo riusciti a costruire un orgoglio di essere freelance e un’identità ormai acquisita a livello internazionale. Ora promette di dedicarsi ad un’altra iniziativa nella stessa direzione, con gli stessi obbiettivi. Siamo curiosi di sapere quale. Conoscendola, siamo certi che riuscirà a dare un ulteriore contributo al movimento dei freelance. Grazie Sara per quello che hai fatto e good luck!


With the press release you can read here below or by clicking here, Sara Horowitz, founder and Executive Director of the Freelancers Union of the U.S., announces her move to another position as of January 2018. Her successor will be Caitlin Pearce, who has been a member of the Board for several years. The union founded by Sara in the mid-90s, sister-organisation to ACTA, today boasts 350,000 members and has also created an insurance company that offers health coverage to independent workers. Sara has taught all of us a networking and communication method that has led us to a proud identity as freelancers, even internationally. Now she promises to pursue another initiative with the same ideals and the same goals. We are curious to know what it will be, but, knowing her, we are sure she will succeed in giving a further contribution to the freelancer movement. Thank you Sara and the best of luck!


Dear Freelancer,

When I founded the organization that became Freelancers Union in 1995, my goal was to build the next form of unionism for a networked economy in America. We started with a simple but profound idea — that freelancers, by joining together, could create solutions where they didn’t exist before. We called it Mutualism — it’s the idea that we can do together what we can’t do alone.

That simple idea has grown into a thriving movement over 350,000 members strong. Many of you were members back from the beginning, or joined along the way, but what we know is that Freelancers Union was very much a part of defining the freelancers movement.

I write to you today to let you know that I will be staying very much active in the freelancers movement, but I will now focus on new solutions to the issues facing freelancers – stay tuned on that front!

Because we have joined together, Freelancers Union has built innovative businesses to create a new safety net for freelancers, with resources, community, and advocacy to help our members thrive. And we’re not done yet — especially in challenging times, we need to think creatively about finding new ways to build security for a workforce that is more important than ever.

It’s that impulse — to build new, innovative solutions to the challenges facing freelancers — that is leading me to transition to focus on an exciting new venture that will continue the march toward a more secure world for freelancers.

One of the great joys of leading Freelancers Union is watching the emergence of the next leaders among members and staff. Across the country, we have seen the rise of a new generation of member leaders, who lead SPARKs in over 20 cities. Seasoned freelancer advocates, powered by the enthusiasm of our members, helped enact landmark legislation in New York protecting freelancers from nonpayment, which is now a model in cities across the country and in the UK.

These initiatives have been led by Caitlin Pearce, who is one of the top organizers of her generation. We have worked side-by-side for seven years, and she is simply outstanding. She is filled with ideas for the future and a dedication to listening to freelancers, and will be a champion for building the next safety net for freelancers across the country and empowering freelancers in the new economy.

While I’ll be stepping down from leading Freelancers Union in January, I’m leaving the union in Caitlin’s very capable hands. I am confident that she will continue to build on our great momentum, and I’ll continue to be connected to the organization.

As I look toward the new year, while many freelancers are understandably anxious about what the future will bring, I see a movement that grows stronger every day. More and more freelancers are joining together to make their voices heard. We’re building on that simple idea that started it all — that we can do together what we can’t do alone.

Please stay tuned for more exciting announcements in the coming months, and best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2018.

Yours in solidarity,

Sara Horowitz
Founder & Executive Director
Freelancers Union



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Un messaggio importante da Sara Horowitz

di ACTA tempo di lettura: 3 min